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Filtered Glamour with Daniela


Welcome to the first part of an exercise model shoot with Daniela Martinez (ig:_martinez_daniela_), taken at Showroom Orodi in Limbiate (MB).

Veiled Daniela BW 1; ph: Francesco Coppola

This time the post is complete, do not worry! Not all the issues I had since last sunday has been solved, but at least I have found a workaround to continue publishing what I have to. And, I did solved the portfolio page, at least!

Veiled Daniela BW 2; ph: Francesco Coppola

This modelshoot, considering this first part, but also the other one that I will share next monday, can be considered as the last exercise about the effects and results that my DIY filter can give in a glamour portrait, this time, and in a nude art portraits session, using this time a continuous led light.

Veiled Daniela BW 3 ph: Francesco Coppola

The use of this light has not been planned but it has been forced on us beacuse of the weather outside that gave us a really low light. Thus I’ve told myself “well, why not using this tools?” and so here we are, with this images, Look and Feel. What do you think?

Veiled Daniela BW 4; ph: Francesco Coppola

I’ve defined this modelshoot as “last exercise” not merely to a time meaning, but also because after this I’ve started to feel enough secure about the use of this crude tool and from the next sets (if they have been made after this), If I use it that will be intentional and aware on the possible results. It has to be said, asaid the Look and Feel factor, that tecnnicallly the use of such a tool it speed a loto my editing workflow because the details on the skin are softened quite a lot. Aside that, I have a look ready to use and if I embrace in the editing phase, well, I do not have too much to do in the styling fase.

Veiled Daniela BW 5; ph: Francesco Coppola

And os, now, this first part of modelshoot with Daniela has been done - finally! Let us say that when I will published this post, after all the configuration it needs, and after I will succeed in linking the old blog so that anyone interested can recover it via a link, this reneving of my site will be complete and I envite you to visit the various sections and look how it looks and how it works.

I hope you can appreciate it and if you have an opinion about it, please, consider to tell me on the comment section below! I appreciate every constructive comment.

So, if and when I can connect the old blog with the new one, the link will be here.

That is all for now, stay tuned and stay safe and sound

you will have news about my activities very soon!

Per Aspera ad Astra!