Filtered nude art with Daniela

Ciao and welcome to this second and final part of my model shoot with Daniela Martinez, taken at Showroom Orodi in Limbiate (MB).

Daniela in Filtered BW Nude Art 1

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 1; ph: Francesco Coppola

As I’ve already mentioned, this is the last time I’ll experiment with my DIY filter—at least for now. In this session, I wanted to test how the filter behaves when shooting with continuous light.

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 2; ph: Francesco Coppola

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 2; ph: Francesco Coppola

Of course, I explored different poses and lighting setups, even using more than just a single light source. As you’ll see in these art nude portraits, the results vary depending on the light’s position and intensity.

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 3; ph: Francesco Coppola

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 3; ph: Francesco Coppola

The sky that November day was completely covered by grey clouds—an ideal condition for this experiment. Although, with the right technique, it’s always possible to shoot in natural light, that wasn’t my focus for this session.

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 4; ph: Francesco Coppola

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 4; ph: Francesco Coppola

Due to the experimental nature of this shoot—and at the model’s request—these images are purely an exercise. They won’t be available in uncensored versions, nor will they be submitted for magazine publications. For those purposes, I would need to create an entirely new set with another model.

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 5; ph: Francesco Coppola

But don’t worry! I have plenty of model shoots that have been carefully planned and executed for my business, where I sell high-quality prints of creative nude art photography. These alternating phases—between artistic exercises and fully realized photo sessions—reflect the reality of my growth as a photographer. They serve as a reminder of how I continue to refine my artistic vision.

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 6; ph: Francesco Coppola

Danielaì in filered BW art nude 6; ph: Francesco Coppola

No one starts from nothing. There’s no divine thunderbolt of inspiration striking from nowhere. Instead, there’s a certain sensitivity to everyday life, a need to be understood, and an awareness of the world’s struggles. Then comes the long process: experimenting with new tools, learning from mistakes, and returning to shoot again and again. This is the path to entering the art world—even without formal studies in an art academy.

That’s all for now! I hope this intrigues you, and as always, stay safe, stay inspired.

You’ll hear from me very soon!

Per Aspera As Astra!


Enter Machina – Step into My Visual World


Filtered Glamour with Daniela